Device for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate: properties and selection rules

Treatment of inflammation of the prostate provides for the use of diverse methods, which allows to approach the solution of problems from different sides. The use of antibiotics and other medical remedies does not preclude to carry out other procedures. In therapeutic purposes quite often applied device for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland.

device for the treatment of prostate cancer

General characteristics

One of the ways the auxiliary treatment of urological of male diseases are hardware manipulation. To perform these procedures is applied to a specific device. Pretty well proved to physiotherapy, takes place in the conditions of clinics with the use of unique devices.

However, not all men comfortably attend a regular rehabilitation massage. In such cases, you can use the miniature counterparts of medical devices, intended for individual use. Men, of course, is much more convenient to have such a device than to carry a painful massage or regularly visit the clinic.

All of the equipment for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland can stimulate the work of the prostate gland. In addition, to activate the local metabolism and contribute to a reduction in negative symptomatology. A similar therapeutic effect is achieved through different routes. They function as tools for the mechanical, electrical, acoustic or thermal effects.


The device, which are able to spread the ultrasonic waves are able to cause specific vibrations in the tissues. A similar effect helps to restore muscle tone. In addition, the ultrasound, which produces a device for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, is able to stimulate local blood flow, which ultimately helps to cope not only with stagnation but also with pain symptomatology.

Superior room, blood flow is very necessary for effective penetration of the products used in the site of pathology. Therefore, using ultrasound equipment, which can significantly speed up the recovery.

It is advisable to use the ultrasonic device not only in the period of exacerbation of the disease, but also in the presence of a chronic disease and in prophylactic use. Carried out the treatment by this device, it can be expected that the therapeutic effect already after the first few treatments.

Electric stimulator

The spread of electrical impulses, which creates an apparatus for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate of this group, provokes involuntary contraction of muscle tissue. It is thanks to this scene is achieved by the medicinal effects. Doctors clearly says that this is the reason, electro-stimulation helps to achieve great results.

Electric stimulator allow you to battle with sluggish processes. After a few uses is the observed increased production of secretion and natural discharge it from the pipe. To achieve the best effect, the electrical stimulator in urological male pathologies are applied rectal.

The use of any of the electrostimulator disabled patients:

  • with cardiac pathologies;
  • with pacemakers;
  • when a mental disability.

Men with inflammation of the prostate known device Ultratone. This device is authorized for domestic use, is assured of his safety. In the therapy of chronic pathology requires the introduction of electrodes of the device into the intestine, which are pre-processed with petroleum jelly. Daily treatment with the use of weak pulses lasting up to 15 minutes. A treatment course consists of 20 daily visits. In addition to the device itself for the implementation of the procedures need a set of specific electrodes.

treatment of prostate cancer

Stimulants with vibration

Apparatus for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate with the vibrating action compared to the urological exercise. Really, stimulators with vibration are able to provide all the necessary effects to urological massage. Men quite often because of the negative attitude to direct the massage to avoid holding useful and very necessary procedure when the inflammation of the prostate gland.

Replace finger massage, vibrating instruments, of course, is not completely able to. But as an alternative option, quite a good show.

With proper implementation of the massage, using stimulants can be achieved:

  • the resumption of the outflow of secretion;
  • normalize the blood flow;
  • the removal of negative symptomatology.

In addition, the use of the vibrating device for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, may greatly improve erection and fertility. It is necessary to take into account that the rectal stimulators can be used not all men. These devices have the same contraindications as any massage.

Stimulants is prohibited to use:

  • during exacerbations of the disease and to prevent the spread of infection;
  • in the presence of the tumor formations, as well as tuberculosis;
  • if they are observed in acute diseases of the intestines.

Attention! Before the use of similar devices it is advisable to undergo an examination to exclude possible contraindications.

Also requires careful study of instructions of a particular device and become familiar with the principle of his activity. It is appropriate to further consult with a doctor about the validity and the regularity of the holding of the treatments.

Of the device against parasites

The method of bioresonance therapy is used to treat many infectious diseases. When inflammation of the prostate gland apparatus, which are capable of creating bioresonance, allow destructive effect on the harmful particles, and again the energy of your own cells on the wellness process.

It is possible to carry out the treatment at the time of the inflammation of the prostate gland by means of the apparatus Paracelsus. These devices can not be attributed to the cheapest device. However, using these products it is possible not only to eliminate the urological diseases, as well as for the treatment of many other diseases.


Any appliance designed for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, cannot be seen as the main or only therapeutic agent. The effectiveness of such treatment it is possible to achieve only in the background of the course of other activities and medicines prescribed by the doctor after the examination.